2009年8月22日 星期六

E Pili Mai

E Pili Mai (Come To Me) - Words by Larry Lindsey Kimura, Music by Peter Moon

`Auhea wale ana `oe Where are you
Ku`u lei o ka pô My sweetheart of the night
Pô anu ho`okahi nô au The night is cold and I am alone
Sweetheart mine Sweetheart mine
E pili mai Come to me

Inâ `o `oe a `o au If you and I are together
`Ike i ke ahi o Makana We'll know the fires of Makana
He makana ia na ke aloha It would be a gift given of love
No nâ kau a kau For all time
`O `oe a`o au You and I
Sweetheart mine Sweetheart mine
E pili mai Come to me

Keali'i Reichel是知名度很高的優秀音樂人,
除此之外,他本身也是Kumu Hula(Kumu:老師)
Keali'i Reichel的作品非常多,
豆因為一首Hula冠軍隊伍使用的曲目【Ka Nohona Pili Kai】開始接觸他的作品,

